TPSC protects the interests of the Texas pool and spa industry and the consumer through education and advocacy, while promoting superior standards of safety and efficiency. By uniting lawmakers and industry, we work to bring about effective and sustainable change.
The Coalition works to:
The TPSC was formerly known as the Aquatics Professional Education Council (APEC), which was formed in November 2004 by a small group of pool professionals with the objective to safeguard, improve and enhance the swimming pool and spa business climate in Texas. APEC was successful throughout the years in protecting the industry and pushing forward good public policy. In January, 2019, APEC changed their name to TPSC to assist in identification with elected officials, all the while continuing their goal to advance government relation efforts in Texas.
The Texas Pool & Spa Coalition (TPSC) works to strengthen and advance Texas state government relations efforts. The TPSC coalition partners include the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) and The Independent Pool and Spa Service Association (IPSSA).
Government regulation, while well intended, can place an unreasonable burden on pool and spa business often raising industry costs and increasing liability without successfully resolving the issues or protecting the consumer. With a presence at the state Capitol, TPSC works with lawmakers, offering the benefit of industry knowledge and experience.
We retain two lobbyists Jake Posey and Steve Koebele to execute this endeavor. Their advocacy efforts help us achieve our goal to protect the welfare and bottom line of our members while maintaining an uncompromising commitment to industry safety and excellence.
There are three PHTA chapters located throughout Texas. Contact them to learn more and get involved!